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We love to receive Likes and we also encourage comments. Inappropriate, disrespectful or negative comments will be removed. It is not our intent to sensor opinions, believes, religion, viewpoints or ideas but if we feel a comment is inappropriate, disrespectful or negative it will be removed.

We love to Like the Instagram accounts and users we follow which are viewed through our Instagram feed. We do take the time to read and frequently leave comment on them as well.

We also occasionally and often (time and resources permitting) view and Like our followers and visitors Instagram postings as well. We are normally made aware of our followers and visitor through the Likes we receive on our postings as we constantly view and monitor our Likes.

Comments we post on someone's Instagram are always meant to be positive and good nature and never anything else. If you feel we've have posted an inappropriate comment on your Instagram, we apologize and that was never our intent. We appreciate if you'd please let us know and we will make sure it doesn't happen again. Or if you wish for us not to leave any further comments or un-Follow you, we will honor your request.

As of May of 2013, Photo Tagging became possible on Instagram for iPhone and Android devices only. We photo tag all featured ladies on the photos we post unless the feature is turned off on the Instagram account. We will also tag the featured lady in the comments.

Related Photo Tag Links:

Hashtags are a method of grouping subjects, topics or common interests. Hashtags are also a good way to gain interest to our Instagram, the featured lady and ultimately gain new followers. The majority of the hashtags we use are relevant to the person being featured. We also use the hashtag #beautifulladyoftheweek with every post.

Instagram limits 30 hashtags per picture post and as a policy we only use approximately 25 hashtags leaving several hashtags open for a possible future and additional reposting if necessary. Instagram only allows the account user hashtags to work on their own Instagram and putting a hashtag in the comments of someone else's Instagram will not work. Furthermore, using certain Instagram censored word hashtags will disable all hashtags from working on that post. We speculate that Instagram has programmed this in to discourage inappropriate words not to be used at all.

Related Hashtag Links:
http://web.stagram.com/hot (Top 100 Hashtags)

Beautiful Lady Of The Week
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